Deacons (Care Groups)


The office of deacon as set forth in Scripture is one of sympathy, witness, and service after the example of Jesus Christ. Persons of spiritual character, honest repute, of exemplary lives, brotherly and sisterly love, warm sympathies, and sound judgment should be chosen for this office.

It is the duty of deacons, first of all, to minister to those who are in need, to the sick, to the friendless, and to any who may be in distress both within and beyond the community of faith. They shall assume such other duties as may be delegated to them from time to time by the session, such as leading the people in worship through prayers of intercession, reading the Scriptures, presenting the gifts of the people and assisting with the Lord’s Supper.

Meetings: Deacon meetings are the first Thursday of each month at 6:30 P.M.

Care Group Deacon Assignments:

Care Group 1 – Judi Garvey & Louella Grgic &Don Allensworth
Care Group 2 – Bill Jones & Terrie Russell
Care Group 3 – Karl Graber & Deanna Gordon
Care Group 4 – Terrie Russell & Ellen Ingram
Care Group 5 – Ora Brown & Sarah Hall


Our Deacons

Judi Garvey
Sarah Hall

Class of 2025
Ora Brown(2)
Deanna Gordon(2)
Karl Graber(2)
Louella Grgic(2)

Class of 2026
Bill Jones
Sarah Hall
Terrie Russell(2)

Class of 2027
Don Allensworth
Chuck Daldry
Judi Garvey-Lefebvre
Ellen Ingram (2)