
You are always welcome to join us at St. Paul, we value our visitors!

Ministry of Finance & Stewardship (MOFS) Update:
In spite of our recent damage, the ongoing restoration and St Paul’s closure, the mail is being picked up three-times during the week. All your faithful donations are being safeguarded and then securely deposited in the Wells Fargo bank account. We are grateful for your continuing support as the bills continue even in the face of adversity. As a reminder, your gifts, memorials, per capita assessment ($32 per individual), mission contribution or pledge may be made on-line at Again, our heartfelt thanks as we all strive to move to a brighter day!
Lee Boteler, MOFS Chairperson

 If you wish to donate to St. Paul, you may:

 > Come and join us. [after our pipe break restoration allows]

 > Mail to:

St. Paul Presbyterian Church
18901 E. Hampden Avenue
Aurora, CO 80013

 > Stop by the church office Monday through Thursday, 10am to 4pm.

 > Use the following link/button to donate online:
