Mission and Outreach

At St Paul we strive to faithfully follow Christ’s teaching by “feeding the hungry,” which is one of two principal statements of  our New Beginnings.

Food Pantry:


Our Food Pantry is open Tuesdays from 10 A.M. – 12 Noon – Drive-up curbside pick up.

- we are a partner of Food Bank of the Rockies

- we do not discriminate

- no proof of income is required


We are also a distribution site for Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP)/Evergreen or senior boxes. These boxes are offered once a month and provide staple food to hep supplement senior diets.

            – applicants must be 60 or older, proof required

            – proof of residency required

            – applicants must self report income.

PC(USA) Designated Offerings:

In addition Mission and Outreach is responsible for sharing with the congregation information about the four Special Offerings designated by PCUSA.

- One Great Hour of Sharing

- Pentecost

- Peacemaking

- Christmas Joy

Thanksgiving Baskets:

We also reach out with Thanksgiving Baskets.


Who are we?

Elder members: Cleve Dixon
Deacon member: Bill Jones, Ellen Ingram
At Large members: Sue Shaw

We would like to invite anyone who has a passion about a mission or evangelism project to come to our meetings, we meet the 4th Sunday of each month after worship. We will be asking for volunteers for many of the activities, so please participate and enjoy the fellowship that comes with working together.