Buildings and Grounds

Serving Christ through the management of both the building and grounds as well as those services contracted.  Rental arrangements are also a part of this unit’s responsibility as is the distribution of keys.

Co-Chairs/Elders: Rich Hartung, Matt Gobla
Deacon members:  Karl Graber, Chuck Daldry, Don Allensworth

The Ministry of Buildings and Grounds has two primary responsibilities: care of the church buildings and care of the grounds.

The upkeep of the building and grounds is the responsibility of the of the Ministry of Buildings and Grounds. MBG is responsible:   for exterior maintenance such as mulching,  planting,  pruning and otherwise care of trees, plants, and lawn; for painting, staining, and other repairs of the buildings; and for maintenance of walkways, driveways, and parking areas .  MBG  schedules a clean-up day during the spring for doing external projects.   Another clean-up day is an interior clean-up which gets the church ready for the upcoming fall programs. MBG is responsible for securing and reviewing our building and grounds maintenance contracts. The ministry unit makes sure that all the building systems and parts such as the heating system, air conditioning system, plumbing, lights, etc., are in working order. When things are found not to be in working order we either will find volunteers to make the necessary repairs or hire outside vendors. Rental agreements are managed through this unit as is the distribution of keys for the church.