Mission: Serving Christ through thoughtful and responsible management of St Paul Presbyterian Church’s available financial resources.
Elder Members: Lee Boteler, Joann Goss
Deacon Member: Louella Grgic
Treasurer: Nancy Dixon
Assistant Treasurer: Joann Goss
At-Large Members: Kathleen Hall, Peter Moskowitz
Ex Officio Member: Rev. Kim Graber
Additional Taskings: Oversight of the treasurer who, serving as a resource to the ministry unit, prepares monthly income/expense financial statements with balance sheet and provides timely recommendations. The Finance and Stewardship ministry unit prepares a fiscally-sound annual budget, based on input from all Session ministry units, for the Congregation’s consideration and approval. The ministry unit also conducts an annual stewardship campaign calling on all the congregation members to share God’s gifts in support of the Church’s missions.